Uncategorized Day 7 – PATIENCE PATIENCE is important when you're learning new things. We all watched video of Michaela Shiffrin's…adminJuly 4, 2014
Uncategorized Day 6 – TRUST It's so important in ski racing to TRUST your abilities and really allow yourself to…adminJuly 3, 2014
Uncategorized DAY 5 – FUN Day off = FUN. We took an amazing walk to Cheakamus Lake. We hiked through…adminJuly 2, 2014
Uncategorized Day 4 – DETERMINATION Day 4 is a big day for us! We trained a ton of slalom and…adminJuly 1, 2014
Uncategorized Day 3 – CONFIDENCE! Confidence has a lot to do with ski racing. Believing in yourself, and believing that…adminJune 30, 2014
Uncategorized Day 2 – STRENGTH! STRENGTH - both mental and physical. We had a challenging day on the hill and…adminJune 29, 2014
Uncategorized DAY 1, Session 1 – RESPECT! Welcome back to the SKI RACING SISTERHOOD!! Anna, Shona, Christina, and Leslie are super stoked…adminJune 28, 2014
Uncategorized Camp Openings! Recent openings for camp! SESSION 1: June 27 – July 6th - REGISTER HERE SESSION 2:…adminApril 23, 2014
Uncategorized REGISTRATION FORMS SESSION 1: June 27 - July 6th -FULL! SESSION 2: July 9th - 18th -…adminMarch 4, 2014
Uncategorized REGISTRATION is quickly approaching! Registration is approaching faster than I can ski down from Peak to Creek! We will…adminFebruary 12, 2014