SHANNON BAHRKE: “what I know now that I wish I knew then”

By May 14, 2012 January 11th, 2014 Uncategorized

Shannon Bahrke: Olympic medalist and entrepreneur at Silver Bean Coffee.  She rocks pink hair and loves SKIING!  She is a strong, confident, fun, sporty, hilarious and motivated lady; a perfect candidate for “what I know now that I wish I knew then.”

I was lucky enough to catch up with three time Olympian and two time Olympic medalist Shannon Bahrke-Happe last week and she was awesome enough to shoot a short video clip based on “what I know now that I wish I knew then” for Ski SIsters Racing!!  She is not only an amazing athlete but a super positive and fun-loving lady who continues to strive towards excellence beyond the ski hill.  She has some really great advice and words of wisdom which she shares below.  Thanks Shannon!