Day 7 is all about smart training. We had an amazing morning in the glacier, the best by far. The snow was hard and the course flowed! The girls really impressed us with their slalom and their ability to push through fatigue. The heat wave has been taking a toll on all of us, and that’s where our word of the day comes into play. Training smart is knowing your limits and taking the necessary steps to enable you to push through. Hydration and sun protection are huge factors up on the glacier, recovery after skiing (for example taking a nap instead of shopping), and knowing when to push through fatigue and knowing when to stop. In a competitive environment it’s hard to remember to really take your own path. When you’re surrounded by others all with different goals and personalities, it’s important to stick to what you believe is best for you, and to trust that what you are doing is the best you can be doing. So, with that said, here are some pics from the day! Our smart training was to take the girls to COWS for ice cream instead of putting them through a sun-scorched dryland training. We’re here to ski! So from now on, in order to conserve energy and avoid too much time in the sun, our dryland sessions will be more mellow .