We woke up this morning to a torrential downpour. It was a bit of challenge to stay motivated, but up to the glacier we went and arrived to a beautiful moody morning surrounded by snow-capped peaks. The salt made the soft snow turn to a perfect shreddable surface that the girls were able to take full advantage of. It was great to see the girls push through the tiredness of a full week and make some big strides in their skiing. It really was a great morning above thr clouds!
The girls had a bit of free time in the afternoon to check out the village and practice their SKITS! Each room had to come up with a skit to perform in front of the group which resulted in solid entertainment and hilarity. There was some awesome creativity from singing to dancing to fashion shows to yoga and beauty product instruction.
Dinner was a delicious pulled pork sandwich during a great discussion on mental training and toughness lead by our camp alumni and intern coach Tarrah Price. The coaches loved hearing all the discussion and questions from the girls. This sport we have chosen to love is a tough one and has no end to mental challenges. It is great to have these discussions to realize we all have similar fears, challenges and concerns.
Hard to believe that camp is already over tomorrow – the girls are organized and ready for one last morning session tomorrow before heading back to reality for the rest of the summer. It has been such a blast getting to know all the athletes and we are excited to follow them on whatever path life may take them.