Today might have been one of the best training days that we have had up on Whistler in the past 8 years. Blue sky, but not too hot, hard snow, small lift lines and a whole lot of stoke.
Shona took a group to learn the basics of crossblocking, which was met with a few squeals, a few strange looks, but some big smiles by the end of the day. The girls all stepped up their game and really brought everything they had to the training session. There were sure some tired legs by the end of the morning!
The great day on snow was followed by lunch up at the Rendevous on Blackcomb before hitting the Peak to Peak Gondola. This gondola spans the gap between Whistler and Blackcomb and allowed us quick access to the Peak chair on Whistler. A ton of photo shoots were had, a couple of dance parties and we even spotted a few marmots along the way!
With a little bit of free time to spare, some of the girls had a quick rip to the village before TYE-DYE and video sessions. Looking forward to seeing everyones creations when we open up the tye dye shirts tomorrow!
Dinner was a delicious chicken broccoli casserole and the evening talk was by Kelly McBroom about College ski racing as an alternative pathway and the difficulties of balancing skiing and school.
All in all a really incredible day. Looking forward to the last couple days of camp and sending good vibes to the weather fairies to hold off on the rain for just a little while longer! Daily photos below 🙂