STRENGTH – both mental and physical. We had a challenging day on the hill and at dry-land. The weather (which rumour has it has finally passed…) was tough once again. We arrived on the glacier to a fresh layer of “powder” and soft conditions underneath. We slipped our lane and Leslie and Christina salted a TON on our stubby course which held up amazingly. We did a combination of drills and a brush/stubby course to get back into it! The day turned around and we got a lot done! The girls were great again and we didn’t hear any complaining at all – just lots of smiles! The girls showed great mental strength as they adapted to the conditions we were given. Also, Christina did her famous hill sprints dryland session and tested their physical and mental strength!! IT WAS TOUGH! A true test of pushing your own limits and staying POSITIVE! In the end, the whole day was super rewarding and really tested everyone to be strong and work together. Tomorrow we are focusing on CONFIDENCE!
Check out today’s pics –>