Hello Ski Sisters Racing girls!! I am going to kick off the beginning of an awesome new blog series called “what I know now that I wish I knew then” pertaining to the U16 age group. We’ll be featuring tons of awesome female athletes in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned!!
U16 was a very fun and a very important age for me. I loved my team and I loved skiing. Both of these elements stuck with me throughout the whole journey! If I could have talked to myself then I think that I would emphasize how important the team aspect is in an individual sport but also remind myself that believing in what I am doing (whether it be ski training, dry-land training, video, coaches, etc.) is more important than being bothered by what others may be doing. Work hard, trust yourself, and have fun!
What I know now that I wish I knew then: Anna Goodman
- Always find time to: laugh, dance, giggle, be crazy, dress up, and let loose! Dance parties and photo-shoots were a major part of my life on the road!!
- Stay relaxed and stay positive. No need to stress over little things, always strive to be optimistic no matter what the situation.
- Listen to your body. If something really really hurts, get it checked! If you feel amazing, do an extra run!
- Go skiing for FUN! Learn to powder ski, do moguls, ski with your friends, look around, pause, and embrace your surroundings. Keep the love for the sport outside of training.
- Don’t get distracted by a “one-upper” and don’t feel pressured to be a “one-upper”. Stick to what you believe is the best path for you and trust in your own routine and your own training.
- Your best friends are your best competition. Understand it and accept it.
- Get a hobby!! Having a fun distraction during the months on the road is the best way to relax and recharge. I chose photography and now I am always in my happy place when I’m out with my camera.
- Focus on the big picture, don’t let little inconsequential things throw you off your path/goal.
- Be a good friend and your ski friends will last a lifetime. The girls you ski with are the girls you live with are the girls you compete against. They become your life and your greatest friends and best allies as teammates. It’s important to have and to keep good relationships within the team in order to be happy, and when you are happy great things happen! A happy team is a fast team.

Anna Goodman 14 years old K2 Nationals Slalom at Mont-Tremblant

Anna Goodman at 14 years old: Super G K2 nationals at Mont-Tremblant

"a happy team is a fast team" The day that Erin won, Mitch was 5th and I was 17th. Smiles all around!
Fun on the road: colourful and crazy!